Interesting chance to join project meeting in Helsinki

In the week of 25th of October I was very happy to join the project meeting of REXVET. The first live event abroad in 1,5 year. As a coördinator for Internationalisation for MBO Amersfoort and member of our internal academy the subject was very interesting for me, modules developed to help colleagues professionalize on internationalisation. Also the use of (edu)badges was new for me and an interesting topic.

In the Netherlands we have a network group, Catch, in which Alfa college (participant in REXVET-project) and MBO Amersfoort (my organisation) cooperate. The invitation from Alfa college to join this project meeting was warmly accepted.

The meeting was very well organised and interesting. We started off on Tuesday with some nice energizers and activities to get to know eachother a little bit. After that we had interesting presentations on internationalisation, HR and internationalisation, trends and more. We discussed in groups about different themes and exchanged best practices.  In the evening we wandered around in Helsinki city and had a lovely diner at the harbour site.

On Wednesday we dived in to the modules that were developed. We tried out the different modules and gave feedback. There were different topics and it was interesting to learn about the content and the way they were presented to the learners.

On Thursday we visited Luovi college, in the city center of Helsinki, and learned about (edu)badges. An contemperary way to recognize (in)formal learning. The Finish colleagues were already quiet familiar with this concept, in the Dutch VET is not that common. I learned a  lot and take this back to my college to see how we can use this in the future in our professionalisation system.

The project meeting ended on Thursday but I took the opportunity to visit Live college in Espoo on Friday.

I came back with lots of new contacts, experiences and new energy. Thank you so much for this nice meeting.

Odyle de Roos, Coördinator Internationalisation MBO Amersfoort Netherlands

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